May 10, 2007

evian,spelt backwards is NAIVE!

hey ya'all!
am moving from this blog~
i dun feel like deleting it tho....
quite a sentimental fool arent i ?
yes yes, i'm that.
reli cant bring myself to delete 'em.
this is probably quite like my diary....
but not THAT explicit. hehe!
yet, it reli serves it purposes of giving me space to rant,
freedom to type my mind and
let my frens,far and near, know what i'm up to.
but due to privacy and technology glitches,
will be moving as soon as possible.

notification on new blog will be posted as soon as i can. hehe! might be quite some time actually. patience is virtue ;)

hehe! duncha hate growing up? from carefree to care(full), small to BIG, short to tALL and naive to evian...omg! i bet u didnt noe when spelt backwards, its a mineral water brand! haha! actually, wads the opposite of naive? okay~ so wad i'm saying is : when did life get so complicated? feel like screaming in his face " its my life, let me live it my way!"

May 05, 2007

the wheels of the car go round and round~

so i've driven a range rover, mercedez, royal saloon, cefiro, unser, land cruiser, hilux and recently, a wira. with such alot of experience with these machines, i'd thought today would be a how come driving a kelisa isnt as easy as i thot it would be?

o... maybe its because its a lil small? and tuning isnt too good, or maybe its the old auntie on the passenger seat 'helping' me do all the clutching and braking. many times did i wonder in panic, "GAH! MY FOOT CANT FIND THE CLUTCH/BRAKE PAD!!! WE'RE GONNA CRASH! o.. she's stepping on it..." wad made it so much more harder than it is, was the auntie's hand on my steering wheel. i know i drive a lil too fast and i tend to drive a bit to one side or another, but please la, dun add more burden to me by trying to equal the weight of our hold on the steering wheel!!!

and calling me 'girlgirl' isnt helping the situation. i was so tempted to just step on the accelerator , change the gear to four or five. when attempting to enter gear five, whoa ! she said, "what's ur rush?" *gives her the evil side-look and smiles* nah.. just kidding, i didnt do that. i'm the sweeeeetest pupil she has~ all smiles and 'uh huh~'

so she kept talking about how she got started as a driving tutor and her husband is like the legendary tutor of driving. teaching three generations of one family how to drive a car to another. all the way, *inside i was doing this--> ROLLS EYES* i would give a small laugh and say, "reli? good la."

all the way , on both exam routes, it was pretty orite, nothing too hard. all the uphill and downhill stuff is kewl, absolutely love 'em! hehehe! hate bumps... had to slow down and
U-turns are absolutely thirlling! its like *insert slow heart thumping sound-effect here* getting ready to jump out of a bush, to scare in-coming clients in the main office way! hahahahaha! but thats just how i felt and pictured it.

May 01, 2007

burst bubbles

usually, i would wake up at 7:30am and enter the office by 8:30am to work as an accountant clerk in my dad's company. haha! being the boss's daughter, u'd think i can afford to be late but gah! i'm the accountant's apprentice. so... gawd, dun u hate rules and traditions like this?! then i work till 9.50am. get ready for work in Starbucks at 11am. would probably reach the mall by...11.45 or so. would be training till 5:30 pm. then i would continue working in my dad's company till 6:30 pm. and if i'm unlucky, my mom would be around and i'll work till the latest 7pm. sounds like torture? to me, it isnt really. got used to it.

I just work for peanuts. Like someone said earlier, u give ‘em peanuts, u get monkeys. Haha!

but it got a WHOLE lot better after getting to work in Starbucks. sounds reli weird huh? seriously, its blardy hectic and i'm not a FULL FLEDGED barista. the main thing that keeps me going-on is the genuine enthusiasm of the seniors teaching,yelling, snapping,some close to the point of just tipping the self doubt scale to the maximum.... and us, juniors having fun and some agony learning from mistakes. not much of stress once u get into the flow of things with so many others in a small space. o wells, and the smell of coffee is the absolute biggest PLUS. And the feeling of belonging somewhere and being treated NORMALLY is just like aphrodisiac! the pay is worth it, considering the fun of socializing, the hardships of being the small ‘kuli’ that everyone gets to have fun terrorizing, the experience gained and life lessons learned.

So now that I’ve resigned in starbucks , I feel abit of guilt assuaged. I’ve done my bit of atonement. After disobeying my father, will I gain his trust in me again? After openly admitting he has taken the offence of me not heeding his orders. I resigned as fast as my high heels can carry me. But he doesn’t show a bit of change in his cold treatment. Sometimes I wonder why I ‘blessed’ with so much chaos. Why cant I be a normal teenager with not much financial and family complications?

April 20, 2007

blunder-rific starbucks experience

java chip, extra bold, earl grey, vanilla mocha, banana chip and many more coffee orders kept ringing in my ears. my mistake of the day: wore three inch high heels.*argh the pain!* but had major fun learning to make the drinks, giving out free frappucino as promotions, interacting with customers and so on~

manager was a guy, so he forgot to mention the dress code, and sed interview when he shud've sed its a trial run as a barista in Starbucks. he apologized fer the mistake of not informing me to wear comfy shoes. i was still dressed in my office attire fer the second interview, after passing my first interview two weeks before. was shocked when work started but bleurgh, didnt complain. did the trial run fer FOUR HOURS non-stop. IN HIGH HEELS! getting drinks done(95%), cleaning up(3%) and sending orders(2%).

truth be told, i dun reli know if this job is going to beneficial to me or not. since i'm keen on making it in the business world, i guess this is the way to gain more knowledge n experience of the working world after being in the oil/transportation,logging, agriculture and property management company fer three years.

oukei~ tis thyme to muve on~!

hopefully being in an internationally established company will help me understand the business world more. will be facing customers everyday than to speak with them on the phone, behind a desk with loads of paperwork. i'm quite familiar with most paperwork related to running a company. now its me working UNDER a big company. like what i answered the manager after the trial run, "my goal? well... i hope i can make it into the management team and then climb to greater posts in this company?"

CHEH~ that bit was a lil fib but a great answer for him, he gave me a five outta five for that answer! hahahaah! next target after completing at least ONE YEAR in Starbucks, hopefully a good restaurant or preferably, a tourism agency.