October 04, 2006

If you comment on this post:

1. I'll respond with something random about you.
2. I'll challenge you to try something.
3. I'll pick a color that I associate with you.
4. I'll tell you something I like about you.
5. I'll tell you my first/clearest memory of you.
6. I'll tell you what animal you remind me of.
7. I'll ask you something I've always wanted to ask you.
8. If I do this for you, you must re-post this on your blog.


Anonymous said...

i tagged you! what's there to random about me? an animal?! good heavens. this is going to be good :P

charlotte said...

you? hahahahah!

1.can you please be... less a perfectionist!? you make other perfectionistas like me incompetant!
2.try to speak like a normal malaysian. instead of a professor!
4.your accentless perfect english.dun get all proud now!
5.your foot getting rolled over my bike :P
6. a dungbeetle. keep 'em rolling
7. you wear boxers or underwear?

puh-leez! i bet ur alredi pulling ur hair, u ... dungbeetle! National Geographic! woot! hahah!

Kai said...


charlotte said...

hey bennie-roo~ i thought you wud know the answers alredi? hahah!

1. you should've been a debater!
2. try goin shopping with gurls and wear wad we choose fer ya ;P
3. blue. theres happy blue, light blue, dark blue, angry blue, true blue...
4. your humour and honesty.
5. you marching into our form two class with a small bag and looking as if u were to kill someone.
6. is a maggot an animal? a tasmanian devil...HAHA! seriously. i just didnt tell u.
7. what do u want fer ur 17th bday? ;)

Anonymous said...

fird ini nak tahu! huhu! cepat yo!

yun said...

LOL, me too me too! but not looking forward to the first memmory of me XD

charlotte said...

fweekie~ aka fird,
1. he is too hyper fer a STPM student.
2. try walking on a suspended bridge! nyahah! i know u'll just freeze! RM50 if ya do it!
3. green.
4. your sense of crazy fun
5. "nah, bottle water untuk mrs speech." i cud have died laughing right there at the registration counter!
6. a monkey. those reli crazy circus monkeys.
7. ohmigosh! i ask u millions of questions everyday! hahah!

charlotte said...

1. you look young...reli young! but speak, think and act rather maturely! shocking...
2. hahaha! BOWLING! with the target of... fifty points?
3. yellow
4. hahah! our similiarities and differences! *parents, life, and shopping~*
5. we glared at each other at the form two toilet and how we cudnt give way to one another at the corridor.
6. tht... thing? tht says..Konichipuu~ hahahahha!
7. does braces hurt? how long does it take? really!? ahax!

yun said...

we did not glare at each other, YOU glared at me ! LOL! 50 POINTS?? can, in the total of about three games ... lol. Yellow?? damn, why not purple? hehehehe ...

charlotte said...

no! it was you who glared at me! then i just glared back! no no... fifty in one game! challenge la~ gosh...purple? tht desperate!? phew~!

Anonymous said...

TAG! ur it! hahaah!

charlotte said...

hey u! sarah @ teenpink
1. she is a classic daredevil~!
2. sing "sexy back" on george's bday!
3. red... not pink! haaha!
4. i love ur car. and how u drive it. no la! our gossip sessions and how we just come to the same conclusions on clothes,stuff and ...teehee! revenge!
5. how i thought u were so blardy sombong when we first met.hahah! who knew afer a few minutes of talking, we become great buds!
6. cheetah
7. omg! when the hell are u going to let me drive ur car!? i've let u drive mine! *toooooot*


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