i enjoyed my birthday alot...that was...three days ago? on the 28th of March to the exact! hahah!
yvonne was the first to whisper : "sheng re kuai le." to me during NILAM time, before class. followed by Melissa, Maydeline,Ely,Lily and Melody. after the silent half an hour of reading, me and my friends climb six flights of stairs to reach our class .... gruesome routine for form five students with heavy bags! heheh! Izzaida, Hasinah, Ida, Sharifah,Vyanetta,Sakina and the others also wished me and gave me some malay handshake (salam) and as usual, the closers one, hugs! i had a particularly happy day in skewl. having my birthday on a Tuesday was definitely not a bad thing at all. in fact, my fav day is Tuesday. firstly, free period for an hour before the first class which is math. i reli dun mind attending math anymore. in fact i've grown to love it. then the next class is economics,english and then bm. not too bad. then the rest of the afternoon is filled with extra curicular activities.
well, it was quite drama-filled that afternoon. i took my chances by joining Girl Guides after being a scout fer three years and a year of Karate. the meeting that afternoon was filled with tension as the president vented her anger upon us ( senior guides...including me). i think my temper is quite infectious. heehee! back then, the same group would have never retaliate, but i think that changed really quick. Me, being me, cant stand being under the thumb of someone whom i do not feel respectful, got pissed. anyway, to cut the story short. the President gave an order to cut the meeting off when there was more than half an hour left! and the seniors were shocked and asked that she reconsider. but oh well, thinking she was the queen, she refused. so the seniors were mostly embarrassed and angry. the juniors looked at me for confirmation of the sudden dismissal. i was on the verge of yelling at the President, so i nodded. letting the juniours go,saving them from being involved in the catfight. later on, some of them considered pushing me to the position of President. i'd actually love to, but i still want to be in the position of holding the society's cash! hehehe!
that nite, dad and mom brought us to a sushi parlour to celebrate! hahah! it was a really big surprise for me! dad, being away most of the time, came back to celebrate! i was pretty touched and infinitely grateful. so we ate and talked from seven thirty till ten thirty. i was pretty glad we got a nearly private table. but still! dad had people coming up to talk to him, sometimes during a good talk or a private joke. it get annoying. oh well, but i saw one of our family fren! the uncle is a clown but a real sweeite pie. hahah! he wished me a happy burfday n gave me an angpow without me knowing it until it fell off my shoulder! hahah! so he exclaimed tht money came down from the sky! hahah! I WISH!
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Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.
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